General |
Editors are crucial for the smooth running of JCOM América Latina: they select expert referees, guaranteeing the scientific quality of the Journal and ensuring smooth and timely editorial processing of contributions. Indeed, the journal relies heavily on the editors' scientific qualifications, competence, promptness and commitment for quality and efficiency.
Preprints are assigned to the most appropriate editor. Scientific competence is taken into account in the first place - this ensures that contributions are reviewed by the most appropriate referees and that generic decisions are avoided. The editor's workload is also taken into account in the distribution of the assignments and overload is avoided insofar as possible.
Editors are expected to carry out their tasks according to the Journal ethical policy.
Timing for processing contributions |
Editors and referees are expected to follow the guidelines below to facilitate prompt processing of manuscripts.
Editors are consulted immediately upon receipt of a submission and should select two or more referees within 5 days.
If the Editor does not react within this time, a reminder will automatically be sent. Continued failure to respond will result in notification to the Editor in Chief, who will decide on the most appropriate course of action.
Referees should accept/decline to review a manuscript within 5 days of the Editor's request. Automatic reminders will be sent in case of lack of response.
If referees do not respond despite the reminders, Editors may select additional reviewers.
Referees should review manuscripts within 3 weeks of receiving the Editor's request to review.
Editorial Policy |
Original research and theoretical contributions should be substantial and significant in content and we welcome contributions that challenge existing theory or practice or seek to move the field forward. Contributions must address one or more of the subject areas covered by JCOM América Latina.
Editors should apply the following criteria for acceptance:
Originality - does the contribution provide an original contribution to the field by adding to existing knowledge or providing a different angle or perspective on previous research?
Research Quality - does the contribution use appropriate research methods to address the topic at hand and are the claims made appropriate to the data collected? For theoretical articles, is the argument suitably grounded and constructed?
Scope - does the manuscript fall within the remit of the journal?
Contributions submitted to JCOM América Latina must not have been published in other journals, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The peer review is handled anonymously (double-blind peer review).
JCOM América Latina also encourages submission of essays that provide a thought provoking exploration of a topic relevant to the subject areas covered by the journal. Editorial Board members may be asked to review essays with a view to deciding whether it is suitable for publication. Essays should discuss issues faced by the communities served by the journal and may be directed at either scholarly debate or science communication practice.