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Mar 25, 2024 pt Article
Environmental Education Activities in a non-formal space in the context of Science teacher training

by Cristiane Miranda Magalhães Gondin, Alessandra dos Santos Olmedo and Vera de Mattos Machado

This article presents an analysis of activities at the Odilza Fernandes Bittar Environmental Education Center, through observation of a guided tour carried out with teachers in Campo Grande-MS, Brazil. This is a qualitative research based on the Anthropological Theory of Didactics. It highlights the integration of Science and Environmental Education knowledge into the school curriculum. The space is a valuable resource for addressing socio-environmental issues, contributing to scientific dissemination. However, it pointed out the need for planning actions with schools, due to the limited time on guided visits, which makes the approach difficult as pointed out by theoretical assumptions.

Volume 7 • Issue 01 • 2024 • Medioambiente y divulgación de la ciencia / Meio ambiente e divulgação da ciência