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Jul 01, 2024 pt Article
Profile of Women Researchers in Science Communication Productivity Grants in Brazil

by Gabriela Ferreira, Rodrigo Arantes Reis, Emerson Joucoski and Camila Silveira

This qualitative, documentary research analyzed the profile of recipients of Productivity in Research (PQ) grants in Science Communication (DC) from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brazil. Data were collected from calls between 2013 and 2021 and curricula from the Lattes platform. The results indicated that women are the majority among PQ grant holders in DC. Most of them hold PQ-E grants, are concentrated in the Southeast, and have diverse educational backgrounds. The field of DC does not follow the trend of the PQ system, revealing a gender parity situation with a slight female advantage. However, this does not imply a favorable position for female researchers due to prevailing gender prejudices.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024