Biodiversity conservation in zoo and aquarium signs
Alessandra Bizerra,
Bianca HipĆ³lito de Oliveira,
Rafael Vitame Kauano,
Bruno Rafael Santos de Cerqueira,
Iara Grotz Moreira de Vasconcellos,
Marcelo Kei Sato,
Ana Luiza Cerqueira das Neves
Carolina Ansaldi
Faced with the environmental crisis, zoos and aquariums assume themselves as central to the conservation of biodiversity. On the other hand, fierce criticism is directed towards these institutions, especially those coming from movements supporting animal welfare. Thus, an attempt is made to investigate the meanings related to the conservation of biodiversity expressed by these institutions in their communication resources. A clipping of a broader research is presented, with the analysis of the discourse displayed on plaques of four institutions, two Brazilian and two international.
It is possible to observe a variety of meanings about biodiversity conservation, encompassing its ontological, epistemological and axiological dimensions.
Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023