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3 publications found

Feb 05, 2025 es Practice Insight
Engaging activities to promote science dialogue and discussion.

by María Yazmín Hernández-Arellano, Patricia Aguilera-Jiménez and María del Carmen Sánchez-Mora

Through participatory activities, we aim to engage people with science, technology, and innovation in an active manner, fostering a higher level of involvement and interaction with others. This paper presents the design process of an activity based on the perspective of public participation and the game PlayDecide, addressing the socio-environmental issue of urban solid waste management. We believe it is important to share this process as a contribution to those who design educational experiences in informal science settings.

Volume 8 • Issue 01 • 2025

Aug 21, 2023 es Article
Conceptual basis for the establishment of a Centre for Science Communication

by Patricia Aguilera-Jiménez and César A. Domínguez

Some research and surveys conducted in Mexico show that there is still a lack of knowledge on how to increase public engagement with science. Because of this, a study was carried out using conceptual frameworks of Science Communication for a Centre for Science Communication. Three axes are outlined: modalities WITH, FOR and BETWEEN the public; public engagement with science and science capital. At the same time, programmes are proposed to carry out activities and encourage awareness, interest, intrinsic motivation, enjoyment and understanding in order to contribute to scientific culture.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Jun 21, 2021 es Essay
Una reflexión acerca de los Museos y Centros de Ciencia en tiempos de pandemia

by María Yazmín Hernández-Arellano, María del Carmen Sánchez Mora and Patricia Aguilera-Jiménez

El año 2020 se recordará por la pandemia de COVID-19 que a su paso trastocó sectores como el cultural y científico. Una de las consecuencias fue el cierre al público de los Museos y Centros de Ciencia, los cuales reaccionaron de forma inmediata y continuaron su labor a través de internet. En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre la reapertura, en el futuro, de los Museos y Centros de Ciencia. Estos, ante una nueva realidad, enfrentarán retos mayúsculos, por ejemplo, la brecha digital en el mundo y, sobre todo, “el tocar”, lo cual se ha vuelto un riesgo sanitario.

Volume 4 • Issue 01 • 2021