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Publications including this keyword are listed below.

Feb 19, 2024 es Practice Insight
The preventive role of science communication for vulnerable populations in the face of environmental threats

by María del Carmen Sánchez-Mora and Alba Patricia Macías-Nestor

The world population ages coincidentally with a critical environmental situation due to climate change which threatens vulnerable populations, including many older adults. An exercise to communicate the risks of climate change is presented, based on detecting from a survey the knowledge and attitudes of this population on the subject. This survey was the basis from a workshop to promote self-care in the face of environmental risks faced by the elderly. The workshop was useful to reduce ignorance about the subject and to promote self-care and social responsibility. These aspects will be incorporated in museographic script adaptable to different contexts and needs

Volume 7 • Issue 01 • 2024 • Medioambiente y divulgación de la ciencia / Meio ambiente e divulgação da ciência

May 30, 2023 es Article
Public discussion on Covid-19 in Mexico: What does Twitter tell us?

by Miguel Garcia-Guerrero, Diogo Lopes-de Oliveira, Erick Moreno, Nereida Martínez-Báez, Amelia Rodríguez-Pinedo and Elizabeth Ruiz-García

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a deep global impact in several social spheres, ranging from public health, economic activities, education and even the polarization that has occurred in the public discussion of the subject. Politicians, artists and scientists alike have expressed their positions on social media, producing debates with a wide range of perspectives that are not necessarily based on sound scientific facts. Thus, the conflict between reliable information and misinformation contributes to the growing uncertainty and complexity of the pandemic. This article explores how people look for references to build an opinion regarding the pandemic and the way in which personalities of different ranks, professions and nuances spread their opinions on health issues in Mexico. As methodological tools, the team analyzed hundreds of tweets from eleven profiles, divided into three groups: celebrities, politicians, and science communicators, in 14 relevant events during the pandemic. The results led to the construction of four major sections: deniers, moderates, cautious and critical. With this work, a basis is cemented to develop containment actions against disinformation and strategies to make the impact of Covid-19 visible, given the need for Mexican society to have reliable information to assume a position towards the so-called “new normality”.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

Nov 18, 2021 es Article
Usos y usuarios del Atlas de Riesgos de la Ciudad de México. Un acercamiento a través de la Consulta Pública Digital #CuéntameTuRiesgo

by Naxhelli Ruiz Rivera, Marco Antonio Miramontes Téllez, Daniela Fernández y Fernández and Ana Rosa Rosales Tapia

Los Atlas de Riesgo son instrumentos controversiales, que en su creación y uso articulan visiones contrapuestas entre expertos y no expertos, y podrían promover la participación social. La consulta pública #CuéntameTuRiesgo se realizó con el objeto de generar información sobre el uso y recepción del Atlas de Riesgos de la Ciudad de México. La consulta fue implementada a través de una campaña en redes sociodigitales a través de la creación de personajes e historias para generar interacciones con diversos grupos sociales. Los resultados muestran una valoración positiva del instrumento, aunque también se observan importantes problemas de uso, comunicabilidad y accesibilidad.

Volume 4 • Issue 02 • 2021

Nov 21, 2018 pt Article
Orientações ideológicas nas informações científicas: o caso da abordagem do rompimento da barragem de Fundão presente na revista “Veja”

by Guilherme Da Silva Lima and Mariana Moschem

Este trabalho investigou as orientações ideológicas presentes em informações científicas. Dada à pluralidade de publicações desse tipo, delimitamos o caso para as produções que abordaram o rompimento da barragem de Fundão — um dos maiores crimes socioambientais do Brasil. Selecionamos a reportagem com base na revista de maior circulação nacional e delimitamos a reportagem especial da revista “Veja” sobre o assunto, que foi publicada em pouco menos de um mês após o rompimento, edição número 2454. Baseamo-nos nas contribuições do círculo de Bakhtin, especialmente no conceito de signo ideológico para fundamentar as análises apresentadas. Os principais resultados nos indicam a existência de orientações ideológicas que tendem a privilegiar determinadas interpretações do rompimento da barragem de Fundão em detrimento de outras.

Volume 1 • Issue 01 • 2018