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Publications including this keyword are listed below.

Nov 27, 2023 pt Practice Insight
Bodies and voices of scientific articles: mediations of communication and culture in the scientific dissemination content of the journal Reciis

by Roberto Abib and Clara Marques de Sousa

This work analyzes the communication processes of the contents of scientific dissemination of the project ‘Articles and authors in the media and social media: for innovative and accessible scientific dissemination of Reciis’. The study is based on the assumption that scientific dissemination is a way
of knowledge produced in the mediations of scientific culture. Break up of praxis as a theoretical-methodological contribution in order to highlight the effects discursive aspects of the materials. We propose that such practices mediated with the presence (bodies and voices) of Reciis authors in the media present innovative ways of communicating science.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Nov 13, 2023 es Article
Challenges of health mobilization and communication: the case of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mexico

by Juan Carlos García-Cruz, Ana Laura González-Zambrano and Xenia A. Rueda-Romero

The main objective of this work is to identify the communicative elements essential to generating effective communication of health and its relationship with health policies, actions, and strategies. To do this, based on a case study, interviews were carried out with doctors and researchers in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mexico. We realized an analysis of how medical and scientific communities relate to society, from their participation in spaces within scientific communities and openness to the dialogues and challenges they face. Finally, we proposed communicative elements to establish effective health communication.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Oct 09, 2023 pt Article
Alzheimer's disease in science blogs: the case of the Science Media Ring

by Alberto Henrique Melo, Fernanda Azevedo Veneu and Marcelo Borges Rocha

We investigated main points about Alzheimer's disease in Brazilian science blogs. Main subjects were explanations about the disease, besides fighting and preventing it. More scientific communication activities on the subject are recommended.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Editorial
Disinformation and communication of science and health in Latin America

by Luisa Massarani and Thaiane de Oliveira

Disinformation is not a recent phenomenon, but it gained strength in the 2010s and expanded its dimension with the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the fields of science and health. This context has contributed to an increase in studies related to disinformation in the context of science and health communication at a global level, but also in our region. This led us to open a call for this special issue on disinformation and communication of science and health in Latin America, which we present in this editorial.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 es Article
Public discussion on Covid-19 in Mexico: What does Twitter tell us?

by Miguel Garcia-Guerrero, Diogo Lopes-de Oliveira, Erick Moreno, Nereida Martínez-Báez, Amelia Rodríguez-Pinedo and Elizabeth Ruiz-García

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a deep global impact in several social spheres, ranging from public health, economic activities, education and even the polarization that has occurred in the public discussion of the subject. Politicians, artists and scientists alike have expressed their positions on social media, producing debates with a wide range of perspectives that are not necessarily based on sound scientific facts. Thus, the conflict between reliable information and misinformation contributes to the growing uncertainty and complexity of the pandemic. This article explores how people look for references to build an opinion regarding the pandemic and the way in which personalities of different ranks, professions and nuances spread their opinions on health issues in Mexico. As methodological tools, the team analyzed hundreds of tweets from eleven profiles, divided into three groups: celebrities, politicians, and science communicators, in 14 relevant events during the pandemic. The results led to the construction of four major sections: deniers, moderates, cautious and critical. With this work, a basis is cemented to develop containment actions against disinformation and strategies to make the impact of Covid-19 visible, given the need for Mexican society to have reliable information to assume a position towards the so-called “new normality”.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
The challenges of fighting disinformation in Brazil: methods and perspectives

by Rodolfo Silva Marques, Ivana Cláudia Guimarães de Oliveira and Mário Camarão França Neto

Proposing debates about disinformation is challenging. Processes such as the Covid-19 pandemic or political-electoral scenarios reinforce the need to fight distortions and misinformation. When it comes to science and health, it becomes more relevant. Our objectives are to show the main types of misinformation and discuss their harmful consequences for the public in Brazil, the country this study focuses on. The methodological paths used are the literature review and the categorization of the types of misinformation identified in the country between 2020 and 2021. In the final considerations, we detail the widespread misinformation in the country and the growing number of mechanisms to face it.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Essay
Vaccine misinformation on digital platforms: a symbiotic movement around profitability

by Ana Regina Rêgo and Ranielle Leal

This essay addresses tensions arising from the encounter between the new forms of neoliberal capitalism in life on digital platforms and the communication market that deals with scientific misinformation. To this end, we present statistical data on misinformation about vaccines, as well as theoretical approaches concerning the platforms' negotiating possibilities. On the one hand, optimists who see in the big techs connective business models, on the other, thinkers who consider the platforms as new spaces of exploitation and human colonization, where misinformation presents itself as a strategy to attract users' attention.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

Nov 18, 2021 pt Review Article
Entre ‘fake news’ e pós-verdade: as controvérsias sobre vacinas na literatura científica

by Luiz Alberto de Souza Filho and Débora de Aguiar Lage

Diante da pandemia do coronavírus, atualmente, as vacinas estão inseridas nas discussões do cotidiano dos cidadãos. Para além das controvérsias desse tema, há uma mobilização de desinformações que coadunam fake news e pós-verdades. Nesse contexto, busca-se com este artigo investigar como a produção do conhecimento científico reconhece as controvérsias e as fake news sobre vacinas, por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica. Entre as pesquisas recentes, existem as que analisam fake news, bem como o ambiente em que circulam e, também, sua checagem, apontando, assim, novos cenários e contextos de investigações.

Volume 4 • Issue 02 • 2021

Jun 21, 2021 pt Article
A recepção de textos críveis e falsos sobre saúde, a (des)importância da fonte de informação e motivações para o compartilhamento

by Luís Amorim, Luisa Massarani and Thierry Baccino

A democratização e o fácil acesso a informação trazem um desafio: o aumento do número e da velocidade da circulação de notícias falsas. Neste artigo, estudamos a recepção de notícias de saúde e a importância dada ao nome do veículo de publicação pelos leitores, bem como motivações para o compartilhamento de tais notícias. Realizamos um estudo exploratório utilizando uma metodologia mista, com um rastreador ocular e um questionário, com 23 participantes. Eles leram quatro textos diferentes, dois críveis e dois com características de notícias falsas. A análise de 24.098 fixações oculares e as respostas aos questionários mostram a pouca importância dada ao nome do veículo e, também, a pouca influência desta informação na decisão de compartilhar os textos. Nossos dados indicam que notícias falsas são compartilhadas por questões subjetivas ligadas sobretudo ao tema do texto, sem preocupação com sua credibilidade.

Volume 4 • Issue 01 • 2021

Feb 10, 2021 es Essay
El papel de la comunicación de la ciencia en la pandemia actual

by María del Carmen Sánchez Mora, Javier Crúz-Mena and Ana María Sánchez Mora

Ante la pandemia actual, y en vista de la ola de desinformación, de información incierta, incorrecta o alterada, es conveniente discutir si la comunicación de la ciencia, cuyos objetivos son en principio diferentes a los de una campaña, pudiera intervenir para contrarrestar en alguna medida esta problemática.

Volume 4 • Issue 01 • 2021