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32 publications found

Nov 11, 2024 es Article
Survey and characterization of initiatives that combine theatre and sciences in Argentina

by Javier Ricardo Garcia de Souza, Pablo Facundo Garcia and Rosana Mariel Aramburú

In recent years, numerous initiatives have emerged in Argentina where both scientists and artists combine science and theatre, either as a form of art and/or public science communication. In order to understand the current state of this field, a research was conducted involving an exhaustive search, a survey, and interviews. The goal was to identify what actions are being carried out in our country and who, how, and why these practices, which could be termed scientific theatre, are being developed, as well as to explore their histories, interests, and perceptions regarding this practice

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Oct 07, 2024 es Practice Insight
The Challenge of Public Science Communication at the Institutional Level: A Situated Reflection

by Javier Garcia de Souza, María Fernanda Alvarez, Bianca Cortese, Paula Altieri and Carolina Monti

In Argentine institutes and scientific research centers, efforts are rarely dedicated to public science communication (PSC), which weakens the connection with the society to which they belong. For this reason, in 2015, the Institute of Limnology “Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet” (La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina) created its Extension and Communication Area, which has coordinated numerous activities at science fairs, schools, and neighborhoods. Through the implementation of a relational approach, adaptable to similar institutions, solid connections have been established with various sectors, and the internal revaluation and enhancement of PSC.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

May 06, 2024 pt Article
Brazilian climate crisis researchers and their understanding of the communication processes with society

by Vanessa de Cássia Witzki Colatusso and Myrian Regina Del Vecchio-Lima

In this article, we address the interdisciplinary problem of climate
change, with emphasis on the interface between Science, Environment and
Communication. We understand that climate crisis researchers are important
to making their studies understandable to society and conveying information
about the urgency of the issue. In 2021, we interviewed 15 researchers to
understand how they perceive themselves as disseminators of their knowledge and
understand communication actions to cope with the situation. The
interpretative analysis was operationalized by thematic categories. The
results point to a lack of scientific dissemination practices by researchers,
who prefers to be mediated by communication professionals.The results also point to an instrumental understanding of the communication processes.

Volume 7 • Issue 01 • 2024 • Medioambiente y divulgación de la ciencia / Meio ambiente e divulgação da ciência

Nov 27, 2023 pt Practice Insight
Bodies and voices of scientific articles: mediations of communication and culture in the scientific dissemination content of the journal Reciis

by Roberto Abib and Clara Marques de Sousa

This work analyzes the communication processes of the contents of scientific dissemination of the project ‘Articles and authors in the media and social media: for innovative and accessible scientific dissemination of Reciis’. The study is based on the assumption that scientific dissemination is a way
of knowledge produced in the mediations of scientific culture. Break up of praxis as a theoretical-methodological contribution in order to highlight the effects discursive aspects of the materials. We propose that such practices mediated with the presence (bodies and voices) of Reciis authors in the media present innovative ways of communicating science.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Sep 25, 2023 es Article
Study on the perception of scientific communication, actors, and digital media related to three Ecuadorian scientific communication networks during the COVID-19 pandemic

by Sofía Cabrera-Espín, Roberto Vallejo-Imbaquingo and M. Claudia Segovia-Salcedo

The article presents the results of an exploratory study conducted through the application of an online questionnaire to Twitter users close to three active scientific dissemination networks during the pandemic in Ecuador (Kuna Ecuador, Red Ecuatoriana de Mujeres Científicas, and Red DivulgaCiencia). The main objective is to propose specific strategies for the use of the digital platform to disseminate science and persuade public opinion, starting with an understanding of the perception regarding the concepts used to refer to the communicative interaction between the scientific community and society.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Organisational communication in public universities: the challenges of communicating science in a media-focused society

by Pedro Farnese

This article proposes a conceptual structure to reflect the media-focused society and its intricacies in the organizational communication strategies undertaken by public universities for the dissemination of science and the fight against misinformation. We built a theoretical approach around the articles published in the proceedings of the last five editions of the Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (2018 to 2022), specifically in the research group Communication, Scientific Dissemination, Health and Environment. The results demonstrate the need to broaden the discussion on dissemination of the scientific process, converging in interconnected and transdisciplinary directions that include perspectives on the impact of new technologies, democratization of knowledge, and representation of these teaching and research institutions in the social context.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

Nov 21, 2022 es Article
El transitado camino a un museo nacional de ciencia y tecnología

by Neydo Hidalgo

A través del método histórico y con el uso de fuentes primarias, se repasan, desde los antecedentes sociales y políticos, así como el contexto más inmediato, las acciones que se han venido realizando en el Perú en los últimos 30 años, para la creación de un museo de ciencia y tecnología, a fin de establecer, a modo de hipótesis, algunas conclusiones sobre los motivos por los que no se ha llegado a concretar este ansiado proyecto.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 es Review
Para entender la ciencia, el proceso es tan importante como los resultados

by Sergio de Régules

Hoy en día la ciencia está presente en nuestra vida cotidiana y en muchos de los problemas que aquejan al mundo. Sin embargo, la educación formal no ofrece el estímulo que exige la curiosidad innata de los jóvenes estudiantes, que muy pronto pierden el interés en la ciencia. Este libro es un esfuerzo por revertir esa tendencia mostrando que la ciencia está llena de asombros y que el pensamiento crítico puede contribuir a resolver esos problemas, así como a combatir los estragos que causan las pseudociencias y las “fake news”. El secreto está en discutir los procesos de la ciencia, no sólo sus resultados.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 pt Article
Caracterização do atual cenário da divulgação científica brasileira em mídias digitais a partir do levantamento dos perfis de divulgadores científicos

by Lucas Oliveira dos Santos and Karen Barbosa Müller

A divulgação científica procura estreitar relações entre ciência e população. Para melhor compreendê-la deve-se conhecer o perfil daqueles que se intitulam ``Divulgadores Científicos''. Neste estudo exploratório e descritivo observam-se divulgadores das áreas da Biologia, Química, Física e Ciências da Saúde, sendo indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, majoritariamente brancos, da região sudeste, média de 30 anos, muitos pós-graduados, motivados a continuar suas divulgações, e mesmo com falta de tempo e dinheiro querem aumentar o acesso a sua principal rede (Instagram). Demonstra-se necessidade de mais representatividade, de uma melhor interação e da continuidade de estudos que descrevam detalhadamente outros aspectos desse cenário.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 es Practice Insight
Manifiesto de la ciencia recreativa

by Miguel Garcia-Guerrero, María Fernanda Ruiz-Villegas, Miriam Guadalupe Báez-Hernández, Azucena Cordero-Rodriguez, César Augusto Martinez-Rocha, Felipe de Jesús Cerda-Hernández, José Eduardo González-Reyes, Francisco Javier Sotelo-Pulido and Diana Elizabeth García-Rodríguez

Los grupos de ciencia recreativa en México han construido, en las últimas décadas, un importante movimiento de impulso a la comunicación pública de la ciencia. Sus actividades involucran a los participantes, de forma física, intelectual y emocional, en la construcción de experiencias científicas significativas. La colaboración entre grupos mostró la necesidad de un marco conceptual común para esta comunidad emergente. Para construirlo se articularon elementos teóricos con la experiencia de los grupos de Recreación en Cadena, la Red Mexicana de Ciencia Recreativa. El presente artículo expone los conceptos fundamentales de esta especialidad, a la par de la forma en que se construyeron.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022