Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024


Jun 03, 2024 pt Article
What if there is still no vaccine? The importance of media behavior in adherence to non-pharmacological interventions (npis) during covid-19 in Brazil

by Wladimir Gramacho, Mathieu Turgeon and Michelle Fernandez

This article investigates the role of media behavior in the adherence of Brazilians to the three main non-pharmacological measures (NPIs) endorsed by global health organizations against COVID-19: the use of face masks, social distancing, and frequent handwashing. Following the outbreak of a pandemic when vaccines are not yet available, the adoption of these behaviors may be the only effective measure against the threats of a new disease. Grounded in social cognitive theory, we examine the behavioral determinants of adherence to these measures in Brazil, a middle-income country marked by significant economic and informational inequalities. Brazil, one of the countries most severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, was led by former President Jair Bolsonaro, who showed little regard for the use of face masks and encouraged large gatherings at political events. Our findings, based on an online survey administered to a sample of 2,771 individuals, indicate that media-related determinants such as knowledge about COVID-19, the use of social and traditional media, and belief in a conspiracy theory regarding the origin of the coronavirus play a significant role in explaining adherence to preventive measures. In contrast, other determinants such as political preferences, sociodemographic characteristics, and environmental factors play a secondary role.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Jun 17, 2024 pt Article
Public communication in the context of disinfodemic and political crisis: Fiocruz ‘in the eye of the hurricane'

by Cristiane d'Avila and Adriana Cavalcanti de Aguiar

We question, from the perspective of public communication, how the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil) responded to COVID-19. The question, asked to communication professionals at the institution two years after the start of the pandemic, sought to identify challenges and elements of institutional learning and understand the possibilities and limits of communication in the context of disinfodemic and political crisis. Qualitative research of an exploratory nature carried out through semi-structured interviews and, alternatively, the use of documentary sources indicates that Fiocruz recognizes public communication (science and health) as a process under construction and a strategic and structuring factor for the full implementation of its Communication Policy.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Jul 01, 2024 pt Article
Profile of Women Researchers in Science Communication Productivity Grants in Brazil

by Gabriela Ferreira, Rodrigo Arantes Reis, Emerson Joucoski and Camila Silveira

This qualitative, documentary research analyzed the profile of recipients of Productivity in Research (PQ) grants in Science Communication (DC) from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brazil. Data were collected from calls between 2013 and 2021 and curricula from the Lattes platform. The results indicated that women are the majority among PQ grant holders in DC. Most of them hold PQ-E grants, are concentrated in the Southeast, and have diverse educational backgrounds. The field of DC does not follow the trend of the PQ system, revealing a gender parity situation with a slight female advantage. However, this does not imply a favorable position for female researchers due to prevailing gender prejudices.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Jul 29, 2024 pt Article
The Inappropriate Use of Scientific Knowledge in False Messages about the COVID-19 Pandemic

by Lucas Dias Queiroz and Guilherme da Silva Lima

During the covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, it was observed that a great number of false messages circulated on social media. Most of these messages featured scientific and technological elements. This article analyzes how scientific and technological aspects were used in false messages about the pandemic. From the Latam Chequea Coronavírus databank, we have compiled 152 false messages that featured the inappropriate use of scientific knowledge. The results showed that false messages appropriated science and technology to usurp their social value in search of credibility. To achieve this, the fake news used verbal-visual resources, authorities and mixed true and false information

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Aug 26, 2024 pt Article
Behind the scenes of science: journalism as a strategy for combating disinformation

by Kharen Stecca, Luiz Felipe Fernandes Neves and Tiago Mainieri

The article analyzes the series of reports Behind the Scenes of Science, produced by Jornal UFG in 2020, as an action to combat disinformation, spurred by attacks on a researcher during the covid-19 health emergency. In the content analysis of the series’ articles, it is possible to understand some of the values highlighted in the reports as a strategy of credibility of science and the university, as well as of the journalism. In this case, journalism serves as a filter of reality and strategy for defending institutions and science.


Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024


Jul 15, 2024 es Review
Why communicate and take ownership of science? Answers from university extension

by Juan Ignacio Legaria

“Compartir las ciencias. Comunicación y apropiación de conocimientos en la extensión universitaria” invites us to think about the place of Public Communication of Science (CPC) and Social Appropriation of Knowledge (ASC) in university extension practices. Through a case study - Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos-, it goes through different historical developments of the CPC, the ASC and the different conceptions of university extension in Latin America.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024