
121 publications found

May 30, 2023 pt Essay
Vaccine misinformation on digital platforms: a symbiotic movement around profitability

by Ana Regina Rêgo and Ranielle Leal

This essay addresses tensions arising from the encounter between the new forms of neoliberal capitalism in life on digital platforms and the communication market that deals with scientific misinformation. To this end, we present statistical data on misinformation about vaccines, as well as theoretical approaches concerning the platforms' negotiating possibilities. On the one hand, optimists who see in the big techs connective business models, on the other, thinkers who consider the platforms as new spaces of exploitation and human colonization, where misinformation presents itself as a strategy to attract users' attention.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Organisational communication in public universities: the challenges of communicating science in a media-focused society

by Pedro Farnese

This article proposes a conceptual structure to reflect the media-focused society and its intricacies in the organizational communication strategies undertaken by public universities for the dissemination of science and the fight against misinformation. We built a theoretical approach around the articles published in the proceedings of the last five editions of the Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (2018 to 2022), specifically in the research group Communication, Scientific Dissemination, Health and Environment. The results demonstrate the need to broaden the discussion on dissemination of the scientific process, converging in interconnected and transdisciplinary directions that include perspectives on the impact of new technologies, democratization of knowledge, and representation of these teaching and research institutions in the social context.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 es Article
Public discussion on Covid-19 in Mexico: What does Twitter tell us?

by Miguel Garcia-Guerrero, Diogo Lopes-de Oliveira, Erick Moreno, Nereida Martínez-Báez, Amelia Rodríguez-Pinedo and Elizabeth Ruiz-García

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a deep global impact in several social spheres, ranging from public health, economic activities, education and even the polarization that has occurred in the public discussion of the subject. Politicians, artists and scientists alike have expressed their positions on social media, producing debates with a wide range of perspectives that are not necessarily based on sound scientific facts. Thus, the conflict between reliable information and misinformation contributes to the growing uncertainty and complexity of the pandemic. This article explores how people look for references to build an opinion regarding the pandemic and the way in which personalities of different ranks, professions and nuances spread their opinions on health issues in Mexico. As methodological tools, the team analyzed hundreds of tweets from eleven profiles, divided into three groups: celebrities, politicians, and science communicators, in 14 relevant events during the pandemic. The results led to the construction of four major sections: deniers, moderates, cautious and critical. With this work, a basis is cemented to develop containment actions against disinformation and strategies to make the impact of Covid-19 visible, given the need for Mexican society to have reliable information to assume a position towards the so-called “new normality”.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Research on misinformation and science communication: a review of the Latin American literature

by Kaique Mancoso, Amanda Paes, Thaiane de Oliveira and Luisa Massarani

In this article, we aim to carry out a literature review of studies carried out in Latin America on misinformation and science communication, in particular academic articles on this theme. Our corpus consisted of 142 articles, identified in the databases Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions and Scielo. The results show that Brazil is the main stage of these analyses and appears in 65.5% of the corpus. It points to a concentration of research published from 2020, which correlate with the Covid-19 pandemic, being this the most studied theme (69.0%). The articles address digital social network studies (35.2%) and media studies (33.1%). We discuss the need to strengthen research among Latin American countries as a way to understand the specific nature of the circulation of science misinformation in the region and structure better ways to address it.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Science in the media: a proposal for information classification based on the case study of "Folha" and "NYT" in the first year of the pandemic

by Mariana Hafiz, Sabine Righetti, Estêvão Gamba, Fernanda Quaglio de Andrade and Natália Flores

The press plays a key role in the media communication of the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on this premise, this study has analyzed a sample of texts on Covid-19 published in "Folha de S.Paulo" and "The New York Times" in the first half of the pandemic in order to categorize the information published in six groups. We found that one in ten contents dealt with "Science and new researches", the same proportion of content covering "Political crisis”. The results show that reporting on science and on crises in the Brazilian and U.S. managements of the pandemic (including misinformation coming from authorities) may have received equal attention from the press.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

Nov 21, 2022 es Practice Insight
Manifiesto de la ciencia recreativa

by Miguel Garcia-Guerrero, María Fernanda Ruiz-Villegas, Miriam Guadalupe Báez-Hernández, Azucena Cordero-Rodriguez, César Augusto Martinez-Rocha, Felipe de Jesús Cerda-Hernández, José Eduardo González-Reyes, Francisco Javier Sotelo-Pulido and Diana Elizabeth García-Rodríguez

Los grupos de ciencia recreativa en México han construido, en las últimas décadas, un importante movimiento de impulso a la comunicación pública de la ciencia. Sus actividades involucran a los participantes, de forma física, intelectual y emocional, en la construcción de experiencias científicas significativas. La colaboración entre grupos mostró la necesidad de un marco conceptual común para esta comunidad emergente. Para construirlo se articularon elementos teóricos con la experiencia de los grupos de Recreación en Cadena, la Red Mexicana de Ciencia Recreativa. El presente artículo expone los conceptos fundamentales de esta especialidad, a la par de la forma en que se construyeron.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 pt Article
Caracterização do atual cenário da divulgação científica brasileira em mídias digitais a partir do levantamento dos perfis de divulgadores científicos

by Lucas Oliveira dos Santos and Karen Barbosa Müller

A divulgação científica procura estreitar relações entre ciência e população. Para melhor compreendê-la deve-se conhecer o perfil daqueles que se intitulam ``Divulgadores Científicos''. Neste estudo exploratório e descritivo observam-se divulgadores das áreas da Biologia, Química, Física e Ciências da Saúde, sendo indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, majoritariamente brancos, da região sudeste, média de 30 anos, muitos pós-graduados, motivados a continuar suas divulgações, e mesmo com falta de tempo e dinheiro querem aumentar o acesso a sua principal rede (Instagram). Demonstra-se necessidade de mais representatividade, de uma melhor interação e da continuidade de estudos que descrevam detalhadamente outros aspectos desse cenário.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 pt Article
Tipos ideais e Teoria da Mudança: proposição de modelo de avaliação para a comunicação pública de ciência e tecnologia

by Cibele Maria Garcia de Aguiar Pereira and Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho

Trazemos para o debate científico uma questão que envolve comunicadores, cientistas, instituições e órgãos de fomento: como medir o desempenho da Comunicação Pública de Ciência e Tecnologia a partir de diferentes objetivos estratégicos? Propomos um modelo de monitoramento e avaliação para a CPCT, a partir da abordagem da Teoria da Mudança (TM) e da sugestão de tipos ideais: Informacional, Engajamento Público ou Participativo/Apropriação. Trata-se da prospecção de uma cadeia lógica que seja capaz de explicar o encadeamento do processo de comunicação envolvendo a academia e a sociedade, com o apontamento de supostos e indicadores de mensuração.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 es Article
El transitado camino a un museo nacional de ciencia y tecnología

by Neydo Hidalgo

A través del método histórico y con el uso de fuentes primarias, se repasan, desde los antecedentes sociales y políticos, así como el contexto más inmediato, las acciones que se han venido realizando en el Perú en los últimos 30 años, para la creación de un museo de ciencia y tecnología, a fin de establecer, a modo de hipótesis, algunas conclusiones sobre los motivos por los que no se ha llegado a concretar este ansiado proyecto.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 es Article
Las voces que hablan en el periodismo científico: tipo de fuentes y temáticas que se presentan en la prensa escrita chilena

by Juan-Ignacio Martin-Neira

La presente investigación da cuenta cómo la prensa escrita chilena ha publicado noticias asociadas a la ciencia y tecnología en los últimos años, analizando las fuentes que se usan y las temáticas que se plantean, haciendo un paralelo de lo que se informaba pre y post pandemia. Los resultados reflejan que hubo una disminución de noticias científicas entre los meses de enero del 2020 y enero del 2021, y que, además, el coronavirus se tomó las pautas informativas de los principales diarios de Chile.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022
