
128 publications found

Feb 09, 2024 pt Article
The importance of research groups for the legitimization and consolidation of Environmental Communication in Brazil

by Wilson da Costa Bueno

The research carried out with the CNPq Research Groups Directory rescued the research groups in Environmental Communication in Brazil, which were categorized based on numerous factors (date of foundation, constitution, institutional links, lines of research and profile of the group leaders , its training and production in the area). The data obtained in the investigation, of a primarily quantitative nature, highlighted the importance of these groups in the production and dissemination of qualified information, allowing us to conclude that they contribute to subsidizing the construction of public policies, as well as to the training of teachers, researchers and professionals in the environmental field.

Volume 7 • Issue 01 • 2024 • Medioambiente y divulgación de la ciencia / Meio ambiente e divulgação da ciência

Nov 27, 2023 pt Practice Insight
Bodies and voices of scientific articles: mediations of communication and culture in the scientific dissemination content of the journal Reciis

by Roberto Abib and Clara Marques de Sousa

This work analyzes the communication processes of the contents of scientific dissemination of the project ‘Articles and authors in the media and social media: for innovative and accessible scientific dissemination of Reciis’. The study is based on the assumption that scientific dissemination is a way
of knowledge produced in the mediations of scientific culture. Break up of praxis as a theoretical-methodological contribution in order to highlight the effects discursive aspects of the materials. We propose that such practices mediated with the presence (bodies and voices) of Reciis authors in the media present innovative ways of communicating science.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Nov 20, 2023 es Article
Analysis of the Anti-Vaccine Movement on Twitter: A Latin American Perspective

by Valeria Edelsztein and Claudio Cormick

In this article, we conducted a comprehensive survey of the publications from "Médicos por la Verdad" (Doctors for the Truth), one of the main anti-vaccine groups in Latin America, on the social media platform Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic. We categorized their types of reasoning and the content of their messages, and we showed that the existing proposals for the analysis of anti-scientific discourses cannot be applied to this particular case. Consequently, we propose a new categorization and its focused application using tools available for science communicators on one hand, and the non-specialized public on the other.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Nov 13, 2023 es Article
Challenges of health mobilization and communication: the case of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mexico

by Juan Carlos García-Cruz, Ana Laura González-Zambrano and Xenia A. Rueda-Romero

The main objective of this work is to identify the communicative elements essential to generating effective communication of health and its relationship with health policies, actions, and strategies. To do this, based on a case study, interviews were carried out with doctors and researchers in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Mexico. We realized an analysis of how medical and scientific communities relate to society, from their participation in spaces within scientific communities and openness to the dialogues and challenges they face. Finally, we proposed communicative elements to establish effective health communication.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Nov 06, 2023 es Article
Aproximación a la comunicación pública de la arqueología desde México

by Semati Palmera Rodríguez Ríos

Se busca conformar un panorama general de la comunicación pública de la arqueología en México, específicamente desde experiencias en uno de sus estados costeros, a través de un diagnóstico generado desde una revisión bibliográfica y mediática, así como con entrevistas a arqueólogos y arqueólogas. Lo anterior a partir de una conceptualización desde la apropiación social de la ciencia, además de una postura pluralista que invita a considerar las particularidades de las disciplinas científico sociales dentro de los estudios en comunicación pública de la ciencia y la tecnología.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Oct 30, 2023 es Article
Products of public communication of science and technology: the case of the National University of Misiones

by María Itatí Rodríguez

This paper shares advances of an ongoing research that investigates the meanings in relation to the communication of science and technology (CPCyT) by researchers at the National University of Misiones. We are interested in reflecting on the central role of social communication in the production and communication of scientific and technological knowledge. Our study investigates the formats and media used by researchers to communicate the results of their productions. In this article, we will focus on identifying, describing and analysing proposed CPCyT products in projects at the mentioned University during 2018-2020.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Oct 16, 2023 es Essay
The necessary demarcation between informal education and PSC for research and practice

by María del Carmen Sánchez-Mora

Scientific culture is expected as a result In the different modalities of science education, this is also a goal of public science communication (PSC), investigated in both cases with different theoretical and methodological approaches. Research in PSC focuses on the quality of products but in informal education it seeks to detect informal learning; both activities are also evaluable from their design, organization, mediation, etc. This article defines and delimits the members of this educational/communicative universe in science as a possible contribution to facilitate the evaluation of practice.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Oct 09, 2023 pt Article
Alzheimer's disease in science blogs: the case of the Science Media Ring

by Alberto Henrique Melo, Fernanda Azevedo Veneu and Marcelo Borges Rocha

We investigated main points about Alzheimer's disease in Brazilian science blogs. Main subjects were explanations about the disease, besides fighting and preventing it. More scientific communication activities on the subject are recommended.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Sep 25, 2023 es Article
Study on the perception of scientific communication, actors, and digital media related to three Ecuadorian scientific communication networks during the COVID-19 pandemic

by Sofía Cabrera-Espín, Roberto Vallejo-Imbaquingo and M. Claudia Segovia-Salcedo

The article presents the results of an exploratory study conducted through the application of an online questionnaire to Twitter users close to three active scientific dissemination networks during the pandemic in Ecuador (Kuna Ecuador, Red Ecuatoriana de Mujeres Científicas, and Red DivulgaCiencia). The main objective is to propose specific strategies for the use of the digital platform to disseminate science and persuade public opinion, starting with an understanding of the perception regarding the concepts used to refer to the communicative interaction between the scientific community and society.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

Sep 11, 2023 es Article
The scientific communication of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo in three periods of analysis

by Sofia Foladori-Invernizzi and Luciano Levin

This study analysed news stories from the newspaper Folha de S.Paulo in three time periods during the first year of the pandemic in Brazil. Through content analysis, in the context of a theoretical framework that includes elements of public communication of science, community health and critical epidemiology, we sought to identify trends and changes in the topics reported and concluded that there is a change of focus with the evolution of the pandemic and limitations are observed to address scientific issues.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023
