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24 publications found

Nov 25, 2024 pt Essay
The Impact of Narratives from Excluded Populations on the Collective Construction of Science

by Christiane Bueno

 Limited representation in science has historically rendered the contributions of underrepresented groups invisible, perpetuating exclusion. However, stories of scientists who overcome these barriers emerge as powerful tools for transformation, challenging stereotypes and inspiring new generations. The visibility of diverse trajectories positively influences the aspirations of young people, especially women and minorities, fostering a more inclusive and innovative scientific community. Furthermore, effective science communication must reflect social diversity, combat misinformation, and promote greater societal engagement—crucial for strengthening public trust and achieving equitable scientific development.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Jul 01, 2024 pt Article
Profile of Women Researchers in Science Communication Productivity Grants in Brazil

by Gabriela Ferreira, Rodrigo Arantes Reis, Emerson Joucoski and Camila Silveira

This qualitative, documentary research analyzed the profile of recipients of Productivity in Research (PQ) grants in Science Communication (DC) from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brazil. Data were collected from calls between 2013 and 2021 and curricula from the Lattes platform. The results indicated that women are the majority among PQ grant holders in DC. Most of them hold PQ-E grants, are concentrated in the Southeast, and have diverse educational backgrounds. The field of DC does not follow the trend of the PQ system, revealing a gender parity situation with a slight female advantage. However, this does not imply a favorable position for female researchers due to prevailing gender prejudices.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

Jun 17, 2024 pt Article
Public communication in the context of disinfodemic and political crisis: Fiocruz ‘in the eye of the hurricane'

by Cristiane d'Avila and Adriana Cavalcanti de Aguiar

We question, from the perspective of public communication, how the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Brazil) responded to COVID-19. The question, asked to communication professionals at the institution two years after the start of the pandemic, sought to identify challenges and elements of institutional learning and understand the possibilities and limits of communication in the context of disinfodemic and political crisis. Qualitative research of an exploratory nature carried out through semi-structured interviews and, alternatively, the use of documentary sources indicates that Fiocruz recognizes public communication (science and health) as a process under construction and a strategic and structuring factor for the full implementation of its Communication Policy.

Volume 7 • Issue 02 • 2024

May 06, 2024 pt Article
Brazilian climate crisis researchers and their understanding of the communication processes with society

by Vanessa de Cássia Witzki Colatusso and Myrian Regina Del Vecchio-Lima

In this article, we address the interdisciplinary problem of climate
change, with emphasis on the interface between Science, Environment and
Communication. We understand that climate crisis researchers are important
to making their studies understandable to society and conveying information
about the urgency of the issue. In 2021, we interviewed 15 researchers to
understand how they perceive themselves as disseminators of their knowledge and
understand communication actions to cope with the situation. The
interpretative analysis was operationalized by thematic categories. The
results point to a lack of scientific dissemination practices by researchers,
who prefers to be mediated by communication professionals.The results also point to an instrumental understanding of the communication processes.

Volume 7 • Issue 01 • 2024 • Medioambiente y divulgación de la ciencia / Meio ambiente e divulgação da ciência

Oct 30, 2023 es Article
Products of public communication of science and technology: the case of the National University of Misiones

by María Itatí Rodríguez

This paper shares advances of an ongoing research that investigates the meanings in relation to the communication of science and technology (CPCyT) by researchers at the National University of Misiones. We are interested in reflecting on the central role of social communication in the production and communication of scientific and technological knowledge. Our study investigates the formats and media used by researchers to communicate the results of their productions. In this article, we will focus on identifying, describing and analysing proposed CPCyT products in projects at the mentioned University during 2018-2020.

Volume 6 • Issue 02 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Organisational communication in public universities: the challenges of communicating science in a media-focused society

by Pedro Farnese

This article proposes a conceptual structure to reflect the media-focused society and its intricacies in the organizational communication strategies undertaken by public universities for the dissemination of science and the fight against misinformation. We built a theoretical approach around the articles published in the proceedings of the last five editions of the Brazilian Congress of Communication Sciences (2018 to 2022), specifically in the research group Communication, Scientific Dissemination, Health and Environment. The results demonstrate the need to broaden the discussion on dissemination of the scientific process, converging in interconnected and transdisciplinary directions that include perspectives on the impact of new technologies, democratization of knowledge, and representation of these teaching and research institutions in the social context.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Editorial
Disinformation and communication of science and health in Latin America

by Luisa Massarani and Thaiane de Oliveira

Disinformation is not a recent phenomenon, but it gained strength in the 2010s and expanded its dimension with the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in the fields of science and health. This context has contributed to an increase in studies related to disinformation in the context of science and health communication at a global level, but also in our region. This led us to open a call for this special issue on disinformation and communication of science and health in Latin America, which we present in this editorial.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

May 30, 2023 pt Article
Discourse on Covid-19 vaccines in Brazil: an analysis in a context of epistemic crisis in the journalistic and scientific fields

by Claudine Freiberger Friedrich

In this research, we analyze the meaning of science discourse in the podcast Café da Manhã during the Covid-19 pandemic in Brazil, in a context of epistemic crisis in the journalistic and scientific fields. By applying French Discourse Analysis in episodes that dealt with vaccines, we identified three main discourse units: the government was negligent and negligent; vaccination is governed by the market economy; the benefits of vaccines outweigh their risks. From these nuclei of meaning, we observe the influence of the sociopolitical climate permeated by misinformation and denial in the contruction of journalistic discourse about the techno-scientific discoveries during the pandemic.

Volume 6 • Issue 01 • 2023

Nov 21, 2022 pt Article
Caracterização do atual cenário da divulgação científica brasileira em mídias digitais a partir do levantamento dos perfis de divulgadores científicos

by Lucas Oliveira dos Santos and Karen Barbosa Müller

A divulgação científica procura estreitar relações entre ciência e população. Para melhor compreendê-la deve-se conhecer o perfil daqueles que se intitulam ``Divulgadores Científicos''. Neste estudo exploratório e descritivo observam-se divulgadores das áreas da Biologia, Química, Física e Ciências da Saúde, sendo indivíduos de ambos os gêneros, majoritariamente brancos, da região sudeste, média de 30 anos, muitos pós-graduados, motivados a continuar suas divulgações, e mesmo com falta de tempo e dinheiro querem aumentar o acesso a sua principal rede (Instagram). Demonstra-se necessidade de mais representatividade, de uma melhor interação e da continuidade de estudos que descrevam detalhadamente outros aspectos desse cenário.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022

Nov 21, 2022 pt Article
Tipos ideais e Teoria da Mudança: proposição de modelo de avaliação para a comunicação pública de ciência e tecnologia

by Cibele Maria Garcia de Aguiar Pereira and Sergio Luiz Monteiro Salles-Filho

Trazemos para o debate científico uma questão que envolve comunicadores, cientistas, instituições e órgãos de fomento: como medir o desempenho da Comunicação Pública de Ciência e Tecnologia a partir de diferentes objetivos estratégicos? Propomos um modelo de monitoramento e avaliação para a CPCT, a partir da abordagem da Teoria da Mudança (TM) e da sugestão de tipos ideais: Informacional, Engajamento Público ou Participativo/Apropriação. Trata-se da prospecção de uma cadeia lógica que seja capaz de explicar o encadeamento do processo de comunicação envolvendo a academia e a sociedade, com o apontamento de supostos e indicadores de mensuração.

Volume 5 • Issue 02 • 2022